Pictures of reptiles and amphibians of the amazon rainforest

12-19 August 2005 

In the Amazon rainforest there are countless species of frogs of different colors, in addition to other amphibians like salamanders and reptiles as iguanas and small snakes. Most of such wildlife can be spotted mainly at night, during guided excursions from Sacha Lodge.

Snake in the amazon rainforest Snake in the amazon rainforest
Photo is a snake, found during a night walk in the Amazon rainforest.
Small iguana in Ecuador Small iguana in Ecuador
Iguana pictures. A small guy, probably a particular spece of iguana, found on a trunk.
Small iguana in Ecuador Small iguana in Ecuador
Small iguana in Ecuador

More photos of a small iguana found during a day excursion in the Amazon rainforest.
Salamander in amazon rainforest Salamander in amazon rainforest
Salamander in amazon rainforest Salamander in amazon rainforest
Salamander pictures.
Reptiles in the amazon rainforest Reptiles in the amazon rainforest
Reptiles in the amazon rainforest Reptile in Ecuador
Lizard, amazon rainforest Lizard, amazon rainforest
On the previous pictures, different species of lizards found during the excursions.
Iguana, Ecuador
Another small iguana
Iguana, Ecuador Iguana, Ecuador
Iguana, Ecuador
A mosquito is biting this iguana (just zoom the photo to get a better view).
Cayman in Ecuador
Photos of Caymans.
Cayman in Ecuador
Cayman, amazon rainforest
Cayman, amazon rainforest
More pictures of cayman.
Cayman lizard
A cayman lizard .
Frog of the amazon rainforest

Frog pictures. Many different species of frogs, in different colors, are normally found during hikes in and around the lodge. Most of the frogs can be spotted only during night walks.
Frog of the amazon rainforest
More photos of frogs.
Frog of the amazon rainforest
Amphibians in the amazon rainforest

Photos of very small frogs found in the Amazon rainforest during night walks around Sacha Lodge in Ecuador.
Amphibians in the amazon rainforest
Amphibians in the amazon rainforest

More photos of colored frogs.
Little frog in Ecuador Little frog in Ecuador
Little frog in Ecuador

Some frogs of the Amazon rainforest are really very small (smaller than a finger's tip) and you will need good eyes to spot them at night in the middle of vegetation.
Photo of a juvenile frog.
Photo of an enormous frog, about 20-25cm long.
Frog's eggs
Strange eggs found very close to a stream, probably belonging to a frog or to another amphibian.

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